We're celebrating our 10 year anniversary at IOG Saltex

Unsung Hero 2010 kicks off at Saltex

Keri Jarman with Lynda Green of Terrain Aeration It's that time again when you can put forward your nominations for the unsung hero in your life.

Now in its eighth year, our Unsung Hero Awards are open to any greenkeeper or groundsman, deemed to be outstanding in his or her dedication to the industry, whether it be help and support given to colleagues, extra effort in the face of adversity or sterling, solid performance over and above the call of duty. In other words, those who go that extra mile without any thought of reward.

Keri with lyndaOne of our current Unsung Heroes, Keri Jarman helped us celebrate our 10th anniversary and open nominations for this year’s awards sponsored by Pitchcare and the English Golf Union.

We'll be announcing the winners during Harrogate Week after judging by BIGGA, the IOG and the STRI, and they will receive holiday vouchers, a framed certificate and a cheque for £200.

download an nomination form.

Nominations are invited from anyone in the industry (bar immediate family).


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